Mediumship Mondays – Practice Circle 7:00-8:30pm

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Mediumship Mondays YOU MUST BE PRE-APPROVED TO SIT IN THIS PRACTICE CIRCLE This Mediumship Practice Circle is open to Mediums who are able to exhibit prior Mediumistic Training or instruction. Each practice circle will consist of specific exercises that we will utilize to enhance and strengthen our connection and communication with our loved ones in […]


Psychic Development Circle – 7:00-9:00pm No Experience Necessary!

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Psychic Development Circle With International Psychic & Medium Carl Seaver Fun Exercises, Explore, Practice, Grow, Learn, Identify your Abilities! This is an ongoing development circle with fun and exciting, and challenging exercises to work with each and every week. No Experience Necessary! But all levels of development are encouraged to join in. Let's start stimulating […]


The Essentials of Mediumship 1, A 3-Week Progressive Workshop (WEEK 1)

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

THE REGISTRATION FOR THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW CLOSED       This is WEEK 1 of a 3-Week Progressive Essentials of Mediumship 1 Workshop is designed for your personal and/or professional Mediumship Development. No Mediumship Experience is Necessary The course schedule is June 19th 7:00-9:00pm June 26th 7:00-9:00pm July 3rd 7:00-9:00pm Fee: $199.00 This course […]


Awakening to Your Heart Path – Guided Meditation

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Have you found yourself feeling there is something more to life but are unsure what that is?   In the business of our daily lives, we often forget that our hearts carry deep truth that is often silenced or ignored from the chatter of our minds. Join Spiritual Healer, Shannon MacDonald, as she leads you […]


The Essentials of Mediumship – A One-Day Intensive Workshop

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

THE REGISTRATION FOR THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW CLOSED       This ONE-DAY Intensive Workshop is designed for your personal and/or professional Mediumship Development. This workshop takes place in a supportive and Sacred Environment Fee: $199.00 No Mediumship Experience is Necessary In this intensive workshop you will learn the following ESSENTIAL steps of how to […]


Mediumship Mondays – Practice Circle 7:00-8:30pm

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Mediumship Mondays YOU MUST BE PRE-APPROVED TO SIT IN THIS PRACTICE CIRCLE This Mediumship Practice Circle is open to Mediums who are able to exhibit prior Mediumistic Training or instruction. Each practice circle will consist of specific exercises that we will utilize to enhance and strengthen our connection and communication with our loved ones in […]


Psychic Development Circle – 7:00-9:00pm No Experience Necessary!

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Psychic Development Circle With International Psychic & Medium Carl Seaver Fun Exercises, Explore, Practice, Grow, Learn, Identify your Abilities! This is an ongoing development circle with fun and exciting, and challenging exercises to work with each and every week. No Experience Necessary! But all levels of development are encouraged to join in. Let's start stimulating […]


The Essentials of Mediumship 1, A 3-Week Progressive Workshop (WEEK 2)

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

THE REGISTRATION FOR THIS WORKSHOP IS NOW CLOSED     This is WEEK 2 of a 3-Week Progressive Essentials of Mediumship 1 Workshop is designed for your personal and/or professional Mediumship Development. No Mediumship Experience is Necessary The course schedule is June 19th 7:00-9:00pm June 26th 7:00-9:00pm July 3rd 7:00-9:00pm Fee: $199.00 This course is […]


Living the Essential Oil Lifestyle

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Whether you are new to essential oils or a seasoned veteran, this class is about learning and sharing how essential oils can be used in your home and life to support health, wellness and vitality for you and everyone in your family (including your pets!). Come and learn some healthy alternatives in order to enhance […]


An Intimate Evening of Channeled Messages from Divinity

The Karma Castle 1437 N US Highway 1, Suite C8, Ormond Beach, FL

Channeling is an ancient and natural form of communication, which utilizes perceptions other than those of the basic human senses. Similar to a translator, interpreter, or messenger, a Spiritual Channeler has the ability to feel, hear, see or sense a communication from the Divine non-physical reality and then translate that communication into human vocabulary (either […]

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