Healing Events

Join Spiritual Healer, Shannon MacDonald, as she leads you to a heightened state of awareness, clarity and peace.

Experience your own journey to inner transformation during heart opening healing events that are often said to be life transforming.

Attendees of healing events may experience a deeper state of knowingness and an enhanced state of awareness. You may leave with a deeper understanding of our global and universal connection to each other. You may also leave with a greater sense of peace, knowing that you are a part of, not separated from Divinity.

As a result of your participation, emotional, spiritual and/or physical healings may be activated, as your own Divine Light is restored within your awareness. Deep truth and self-empowerment may be experienced, as Illusions of fear and prior conditionings dissipate into the brilliance of the Light. This allows limiting beliefs and patterns to transform into their intended highest, inherent potential.

Healing events are for you if you are looking to rediscover your hidden potential and purpose, or if you are looking for a deeper sense of peace, belonging, healing, clarity, and connection to the Divine within. Be prepared to leave in awe of the your own Divinity as you become re-united with the remembrance of the Truth of who you are.

Check our calendar for upcoming Healing Events!

Check out Shannon’s webpage for additional classes or events.